tisdag 27 oktober 2009

Watery wednesday

I love when the movement in the water looks smooth out.

Take a look at the other side of the world's water images

8 kommentarer:

Martha Z sa...

Lovely, you made the water look so soft.

Jim sa...

beautiful shot
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Petit Eyekiss sa...

Härlig fart i din bild. Känns som vattnet ska rinna ut över datorn!
Fin bild!

eileeninmd sa...

Lovely shot of the moving water.

Arija sa...

Like a veil drawn over the world...so sleep inducing...

EJ sa...

I agree on you on that!

Come and see some parts of South Korea. Have great day!

Gunilla sa...

Vilken kraft på vattnet. Fint fotat.
Vill du ha en sak kolla min blogg


Å - hva fint! Nydelig og mykt, det liker jeg!